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DEBT COllections

At Clear Future we have found that civil action as part of debt collection is at best a very unsatisfactory process due to the following:

  • The process is very expensive, and as a client you may not have money upfront for legal costs especially if we have to go to apply for a High Court order
  • The process is timeous and extended over years. If actual proceedings are instituted, it can often take years before a claim is settled
  • Civil action costs must be paid up front, and there are no guarantees of success. The client must go out on risk

What do our service entail?

  1. If we do not recover the outstanding debt, there are no fees payable.
  2. The debt must be Business to Business.
  3. There must be no dispute on the claim.
  4. Once the claim is proven we will demand payment within 21 days from the Debtor.
  5. Should no payment be received in the 21 days and no payment arrangements have been made, we then immediately proceed with an Application for Liquidation of the legal entity.

It is important to understand that if the money cannot be recovered through this process, civil action will/cannot not be successful either, and it did not cost you a single cent to recover the outstanding debt.  We will proceed with the actual Liquidation of the Business, should there be assets in the Business that can be realised to the benefit of you our client.

Should no arrangement or payment be made,the facts are, that you as our client will either have your money after 21 to 28 days or we proceed with further action in Liquidating the Business should there be enough proven benefit.

Clear Future can and will save our clients Millions of Rands in Legal costs, and substantially improve Cash Flow. We deliver a professional service and can help you grow your business.